Racing Driver Directory

Driver of the Month Competition Terms and Conditions

1. Eligibility

The competition is open to all drivers who are registered, created a profile and added results on the Racing Driver Directory website.

2. Competition Period

The competition runs from the first day of each month until the last Friday of the same month.

3. Entry

Drivers will only be entered after opting in to competitions via their settings panel.

4. Selection Criteria

The Driver of the Month will be selected based on performance, consistency, and dedication .

The selection will be conducted by members of Racing Driver Directory.

5. Prize

The prize for the Driver of the Month is £20, in the drivers chosen currency and on the currency rate of the last Friday of the competition month.

The prize will be awarded at the discretion of the company’s management.

6. Notifying the winner

The potential winner will be notified via email/social media during the middle of the month. The driver must provide an image of themselves in a winning pose and a small paragraph detailing their current season or how happy they are to win the competition etc before the last Friday of the month.

7. Announcement of Winner

The winner will be announced on the last Friday of the month, should all parts of point 6 be fulfilled.

The winner will be announced on the company’s website and social media channels.

8. Acceptance of Prize

The winner must accept the prize within 14 days of being notified. If the prize is not accepted within this period, the company reserves the right to rollover the prize for the next month.

9. Publicity

By entering the competition, drivers consent to the use of their name, photograph, and entry in any publicity material.

10. General Conditions

The company reserves the right to amend or cancel the competition at any time without prior notice.

The company’s decision in all matters relating to the competition is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

By entering the competition, drivers agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

11. Data Protection

Personal data provided in connection with the competition will be used in accordance with the company’s privacy policy.

Data will be used for the purposes of administering the competition and for publicity purposes as described above.

12. Liability

The company accepts no responsibility for any damage, loss, injury, or disappointment suffered by any driver entering the competition or as a result of accepting the prize.

13. Governing Law

These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of England and Wales and any disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

Contact Information

For any queries regarding the competition, please contact us .

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